The mission of every Infectious Awareables tie is to generate interest, discussion, even excitement about serious public health issues such as this silk Influenza/Immunization tie in port.
Believing that humor can be a powerful educational tool, Infectious Awareables neckties take an atypical, slightly irreverent approach to some very serious subjects.
Shop and take pride in knowing that a portion of the proceeds will be donated to disease research/education.
"Start the Conversation!"
Influenza/Immune. Revived development of new vaccines and increased public awareness of the benefits of immunization offers the promise of preventing a public health catastrophe similar to the Pandemic Flu of 1918, which is graphically featured in this design. The subtle blue overlay of vaccination paraphernalia (that would be a shot) is a reminder that it doesn't take much to provide protection for a wide range of very nasty conditions. So don't chicken out!
A back-of-tie "Awareness Note" and a source citation are incorporated in the pattern design, which reads:
"IMMUNIZATION - FLU. The Pandemic Flu of 1918 killed incalculable millions of people globally. Revived development of new vaccines and increased public awareness of the benefits of immunization offers the promise of preventing a similar public health catastrophe."
"Original images courtesy of Dr. Terrence Tumpey, Cynthia Goldsmith, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia."
Note: IA contributes a portion of proceeds to research, education or support associated with important non-profit public health agencies and organizations.