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Pocket Squares

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From warm wool to lightweight linen to formal silks, our variety of pocket squares fulfill a range of style needs. From casual family gatherings, first dates, or the big day, you'll never go wrong with adding the finishing touch that a pocket square brings. Dating back to the begining of gentry, this key accessory was an essential element to a man's attire. Take a note from the men who coined the traditions of a gentleman and never be without!

Your breast pocket is not only a place to store your sunglasses or a makeshift business card holder, it's an opportunity to add value to your look and shouldn't be overlooked. Our selection of a variety of colored pocket squares add the perfect panache to a suit in need. Take the opportunity to add the element of texture to your 9-5 ensemble. Add a crisp and clean look of a luxurious linen or the classic sheen of a standard silk. A thick and soft wool gives a touch of winter seasonality, while a casual cotton number gives a nod at warm summers. Make a bold statement with a bright complementary color, or keep it classic with a monochrome option. Even with the most reserved colors, the addition of a pocket square will bring attention to your otherwise neglected jacket pocket and establish yourself as a true style connoiseur.

This timeless accessory can trace it's roots to ancient Greece, but still remains stylishly relevant to this day. A suit will always be incomplete without a pocket square, so stock up on this menswear staple.
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