The mission of every Infectious Awareables tie is to generate interest, discussion, even excitement about serious public health issues such as this silk Tuberculosis tie in blue.
Believing that humor can be a powerful educational tool, Infectious Awareables neckties take an atypical, slightly irreverent approach to some very serious subjects.
Shop and take pride in knowing that a portion of the proceeds will be donated to disease research/education.
"Start the Conversation!"
Based on the Mycobacterium tuberculosis pathogen, this necktie pattern is faithful to the slide, right down to the "red snappers." It probably tops the Awareables 'best-seller' list.
B, an age-old bacterial pathogen typically transmitted by airborne droplets, remains the greatest infectious killer in the history of man. It has re-emerged to pose a serious global threat, causing more than 2 million deaths each year, primarily in developing countries. Its multi-drug resistant (MDRTB) form is particularly dangerous and growing more wide-spread where crowded conditions and non-compliance to strict drug regimens are common.
A back-of-tie "Awareness Note" and a source citation are incorporated in the pattern design, which reads:
"TUBERCULOSIS is a chronic bacterial infection, usually affecting the lungs, transmitted by inhalation of infected airborne droplets. Adherence to treatment regimen is critical in order to reduce incidence of multiple drug resistance."
"Original images provided by Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, GA, and other credentialed sources."
Note: IA contributes a portion of proceeds to research, education or support associated with important non-profit public health agencies and organizations.