If you’re looking for something a bit different but still radiating with class, look no further than The Stairs fold. The tiered edges of this fold are are composed of a series of carefully considered folds. This may require a little practice, but if you’re up for the challenge, the results are sure to turn heads.
The Stairs Folding Instructions
1. Begin with the pocket square face down
2. Fold in half diagonally from the top right to the bottom left. This will form the first step of the stairs.
3. Pinch the fabric two inches below the first stair and fold up to form the second stair, just below the first
4. Again, pinch the fabric two inches below the second stair and fold up to form the third stair, just below the second
5. Holding the steps in place, carefully fold in half diagonally, placing the top left portion behind the bottom right portion
6. Fold the right side behind and to the left (be sure to hold your stairs in place)
7. Fold the left side behind and to the right
8. Fold the bottom up and behind the front. Adjust to fit the size of your jacket pocket.