"The mission of every Infectious Awareables tie is to generate interest, discussion, even excitement about serious public health issues such as this silk extra long Ebola tie in wine.
Believing that humor can be a powerful educational tool, Infectious Awareables neckties take an atypical, slightly irreverent approach to some very serious subjects."
Shop and take pride in knowing that a portion of the proceeds will be donated to disease research/education.
Ebola is a rare and deadly disease caused by infection with one of several Ebola virus strains. It was first discovered near the Ebola River, in Zaire, 1976, and the Infectious Awareables™ artwork mirrors the microscopy of that strain. The natural host remains unknown, but the disease it is likely animal-borne, and can spread through direct contact or droplets. The 2014 Ebola epidemic is the largest in history, with two cases imported to the U.S. It remains a particularly high risk to healthcare workers who come in close contact with infected patients.
A back-of-tie "Awareness Note" and a source citation are incorporated in the pattern design, which reads:
“EBOLA virus causes severe hemorrhaging and has an extremely high mortality rate. The natural host is unclear, and vaccines remain elusive. The 2014 Outbreak serves as warning that emergent diseases may no longer be limited in geography.”
"Design based on original images by Frederick A. Murphy, DVM, PhD, courtesy of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA."
Note: IA contributes a portion of proceeds to research, education or support associated with important non-profit public health agencies and organizations.